Star Festival in Hokkaido--Candle Stories #2

On August 7th, the night of Tanabata, the Star Festival according
to lunar calendar, groups of children walk around neighborhoods
knocking at each door singing "Ro-so-ku da-se-yo" meaning "give us
candles," or we will scratch you. (The phrases vary from region to
region.) Then residents give them some sweets. This practice
originated from an old tradition of visiting neighbors to ask for
candles during Obon, the period that ancestor's souls are said to
come home. Recently most residents serve children sweets instead
of candles. This is similar to "Trick or Treat" in the Halloween of
Western countries, isn't it? Although there are only a few towns in
Hokkaido who still observe this annual event, children in those
areas look forward to the local event and enjoy it every year.